Manufacturers Suppliers of Palm Jaggery Karupatti Panai Vellam
About Pachaa Traders - Manufacturers Suppliersof Palm Jaggery Karupatti Panai Vellam Palm Sugar
Pachaa Traders (Organic Food Product Distributors), We are one of the pioneer suppliers of Organic,Traditional and Palm Products (Palm Jaggery, Karupatti, Thati Bellam, Panai Vellam, Panai Kalkandu, Palm Leaf products) in the country. Started in the year 2008 as small vendor to major Organic and Traditional brands in South India, Now we are pleased to say that we are one of the trusted suppliers for all Organic Brands in the country. Looking forward to grow and supply natural Palm products and other traditional products like Black Horsegram, Black Kauvni Rice etc ...
Benefits of Palm Jaggery or Karupatti or PanaiVellam Sugar
Palm sugar is derived from sap of palm trees. It is often added in Asian recipes especially in creating pudding type meals, curries and evencandies. It offers a sweet taste and the flavor is similar to a mixed molassesand brown sugar. It is used as natural sweetener. Palm sugar (Palm Jaggery, Karupatti, Thati Bellam, Panai Vellam) offers many greatbenefits. Due to its natural properties, it can lessen the risk of getting diabetes.
Nutritional Benefits: Palm sugar contains vitamins and minerals, which can prevent various diseases. If you will compare palm sugar to brown sugar and refined white sugar, palm sugar has more nutritional benefits since it contains more potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. It is also a good source of iron and zinc. Zinc is required for brain function while iron is needed to boost immune system.
Natural Sweetener: Palm sugar is low in glycemic index. It tastes and melts the same manner sugar does. It also contains lots of minerals, phytonutrients and vitamins. It is also a good source of potassium and zinc. Palm sugar does not undergo the process of refinement or bleaching that is why many people prefer to use it instead of standard sugar. The taste is also good since it is similar to caramel and does not offer any after taste. It can also be used in cereals and drinks.
Reduce risk of Diabetes: Using palm sugar to add sweetness to foods could reduce the risk of getting diabetes. Foods that belong to high glycemic index group can increase the risk of diabetes while foods that have low glycemic index, as palm sugar may not affect the insulin production of the body.
Decrease risk of Cancer: Consuming low glycemic foods can also decrease the risk of breast cancer. Studies show that women who consumed many high glycemic foods have higher chance of developing breast cancer compared to women who follow a low glycemic diet.
About Palm Sugar:
Replacing white sugar with palm sugar will definitely helpprevent or postpone onset of diabetes because of its significantly lower GI.This can be particularly important for people who have family histories ofdiabetes or people who are diabetic prone. Palm Sugar helps reducing weight ina healthy way.
All carbohydrates are not the same. The Glycemic Index,(GI) is based on 25 years of research and ranks carbohydrates according totheir impact on the blood glucose levels. Glycemic Index measures the speed atwhich the food raises the blood glucose level of a person. Foods that areprocessed by the body more quickly are ranked high in the GI.
The GI of Palmyra Palm Sugar is only 41. Any food whose GI islesser than 55 is internationally considered to be Low GI.
A diet rich in low GI carbohydrate – the carbohydrates thatproduce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels – isthe secret to long-term health. Since Palm Sugar is low GI, it does not raisethe blood sugar level immediately after consumption. Instead it is absorbedslowly by the body so it helps prevent or manage diabetes, hyperglycemia andhypoglycemia.