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Noi Broken Black Rice (Kavuni Arisi Kurunai)

Noi Broken Black Rice (Kavuni Arisi Kurunai)

Noi Broken Black Rice (Kavuni Arisi Kurunai)

  • ₹120.00
  • ₹105.00

  • Product Code:
  • In Stock

Noi Broken Black Rice (Kavuni Arisi Kurunai)  W

Traditional Black Kavuni rice is actually more purplish in color than black.Black rice is a great substitute for traditional anti-oxidant rich foods.Anti-oxidant are also known to actively break down the nasty types of arterial plaque and chemically fight high cholesterol levels. The magical thing about black rice is that it can do all of this without any harmful side effects such as those that you might find in current prescription available from your physician High in nutritional value,black rice is rich in iron and high in fiber.


Health Benefits of Black Rice:

  • High nutrition value.
  • Prevention of cancer
  • Ideal component for diabetics diet and weight loss.
  • Prevention of heart disease.
  • More protein in black rice 7.9% comparing to white rice 6.7%.
  • Gluten free wheat free.
  • Really healthy with cholesterol lowering effect.
  • Prevention of heart attack.
  • Prevention of alzhermen's disease.
  • Contains minimum of sugar,therefore does't come dramatic fluctuations in blood sugar like white rice.
  • Improve damaged liver cells [hepatitis and chirrosis] and prevent renal disease.
  • High blood pressure,circulation and overall blood health also seems to be maintained by those who addblack rice to their diet.
  • A great source of anti- oxidants.
  • If taken black rice during pregnancy leads to normal delivery.
  • Moms who give their baby breast feeding are recommended to consume black rice. Because it increases the production of breast milk.


Black rice is very rich in fiber [necessary for a healthy and regulated digestive system], as well as iron,vitamin-E and a host of the other crucial minerals.

Regular consumption of blck rice may cut down or completely eliminate many of future health problems.

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Tags: Wholesale Organic Black Rice, Black rice, Kavuni arisi noi, Kavuni arusi kurunai, Kavuni arisi, Organic Rice, Rice, Organic, arusi, arisi, traditional rice, Organic rice, noi, broken rice, kurunai