Panai Sillu Sukku/Chukku Karupatti Palm Dry Ginger Pepper Candy Box
Panai Sillu Sukku/Chukku Karupatti Palm Dry Ginger Pepper Candy Box
- ₹90.00
Product Code:PT000833
- In Stock
Panai Sillu Sukku/Chukku Karupatti Palm Dry Ginger Pepper Candy Box(Approx 150-200gms). Powdered Palm Sugar which is used in the candy is a nutritious sweetener, used to prevent/postpone diebetes when replaced for white sugar. It is a ready-use dust free powder widely known for its medicinal properties used in ayurvedic and home remedies. Its 23 nutrients and chocolate-like flavor makes it a natural alternative for health drink fit for new born to aged people.
Palm Jaggery with dry Ginger and Tippali
The basic ingredients for Palm Dry Ginger Jaggery are:
- Dry ginger(Sukku)
- Pepper (Milagu)
- Thippali - Thippali is a known as Adhi marundhu and very effective against respiratory tract infections and helps in strengthening of nerves and cures loss of apetite and
- flatulence.
This concoction helps in maintaining body's Tridoshas- Vata/ Pitta/ Kapha.
Palm ginger jaggery comes in cubes and gives great benefits to our body:
This cubes can be consumed as a candy, since it is sweet.
Can also be used as a hot beverage - Put in solid or power form of the cubes in to hot boiling water stir and drink. Replace it instead of Tea and Coffee.
it is highly refreshing, keeps you active whole day and also will relieve you from cold and tiredness.
*The cube size may vary from time to time due to the manual dye..
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